FileBox Open File Form1, Label2 File Name: Text1 Label3 Files: Label1 File1 Label4 Directories: List1 Drive1 Command2 Command1 &Cancel LastChange CurDirectory$ ASCII_ENTER4 WM_USER LB_RESETCONTENT SendMessageT wParam lParam2 GetFocus PutFocus Drive1_ChangeL Dir1G Patha Drive1 Drive List1_Update Dir1_Change File1 Label1v Captions Command2_Click Command1_Click Form_Load RefreshFiles Text1 SelStart! SelLength+ Text1_LostFocus Patternj Text1_KeyPress KeyAscii ClearListBox List1 DirPos ListCount DiskStart FindLast needle haystack List1_DblClick ListIndex Visible hWndOld List1_KeyPress FBox_Click DBox_Click NBox_Click Command3_Click- CommandN_GotFocusB CommandF_GotFocus CommandD_GotFocus FILEBOX declarations and constantsd SetFocus Drive1_Change Dir1_Change Command2_Click OK button pressed Command1_Click Cancel button pressed Form_Load Text1_LostFocus RefreshFiles If File1.ListIndex >= 0 Then Path$ = Dir1.Path If Right$(Path$, 1) = "\" Then Label1.Caption = Dir1.Path + File1.Filename Elseb Label1.Caption = Dir1.Path + "\" + File1.Filename End If Else Label1.Caption = " " End If1 Text1_KeyPress List1_Update FindLast List1_DblClick Change to the parent directory This is a drive spec This is a subdirectory of the current directory ClearListBox List1_KeyPress FBox_Click DBox_Click NBox_Click Command3_Click CommandN_GotFocus CommandF_GotFocus CommandD_GotFocus